Divorcing parents likely have a number of concerns to consider including what type of child custody arrangement will be best for their children. The family law court focuses on achieving what is in the best interests of the child in all circumstances related to child custody and when children are part of a divorce. Parents may wonder if it is best for the children to remain with their mother or share time equally with both parents.
A new study from Arizona State University may help with the answer. The study found that spending time with both parents, including sleeping over at the homes of both parents, was a benefit to children who had the opportunity to do so. The study also found that the children who had the best relationships with both parents once grown, spent equal time at the homes of both parents while they were young. A total of 100 college students whose parents had separated before they were 3 years old were included in the study.
There are a variety of different types of child custody arrangements that parents may consider when developing a child custody agreement, parenting plan and visitation schedule. In addition, there are two primary types of child custody including legal and physical custody. Child custody arrangements can be sole or joint. Joint custody allows for the child to share time with the parents in two different homes and joint legal custody allows parents to share in making major decisions for the child.
While the family law system offers different arrangements for parents to consider, and determine which is best for their family, the goal of the family law process is always what is in the best interests of the child. It is helpful when parents share that goal which can help them remain focused and committed to a child custody agreement that is best for their children and their situation.
Source: LiveScience.com, “Why Young Kids Should Spend Equal Time with Divorced Parents,” Sara G. Miller, Feb. 2, 2017