If you have kids and you get divorced in Arizona, the courts will have to split up your parental rights and responsibilities. Each parent can receive a portion of both legal and physical custody. Legal custody involves your right to make important decisions about...
Child Support
What happens if you stop meeting your child support obligations?
Many noncustodial parents disagree with the way their co-parent uses child support funds. Some see their co-parents spend this money on extravagant personal items, luxury vacations or even drugs and alcohol. Often, these parents want to stop paying child support to...
At what age does child support end?
You have been ordered to pay child support during your divorce. You don’t mind. He or she is your child, and you’re happy to offer financial support to help give the child a good upbringing. That said, you do want to know exactly what your legal obligations are. Say...
3 myths about child custody
Divorce is an emotional process, and it can be more difficult if you have children. If you have plans to divorce, one of your top concerns may be about custody and how your children will handle the changes in their lives. If you have not gone through a divorce...
How long will child support last after an Arizona divorce?
As a divorced parent in Arizona, there's a good chance that you either pay child support or receive it depending on the amount of time you spend with your kids. Child support, much like parenting time, is often a hotly-contested issue in Arizona divorces. The courts...
Which co-parent pays for summer camp?
If you share custody of your child with an ex-spouse, you each have a financial obligation to support the young one in your family. Usually, though, one parent makes child support payments to the other. In Arizona, judges consider both the needs of children and the...
When will Arizona modify child support payments?
Whether you pay child support or receive monthly payments on behalf of your children, financial circumstances often change over time. Arizona law allows either parent to ask for a change in the amount of court-ordered child support in the face of significant life...
How child support payments are determined
Parents in Arizona and throughout the country are generally required to provide for a minor child's financial needs. In some cases, this obligation continues until a child graduates from college. Child support amounts are calculated based on a number of factors such...
Michael Strahan involved in child support dispute with ex-wife
Arizona residents who are fans of former NFL player Michael Strahan may be aware that he was married from 1999 to 2006. He and his ex-wife have twin daughters who are now 14, and at the time, they worked out an amicable agreement for child custody and support....
Obtaining child support modifications because of a hardship
Generally, a child support payment is based on how much a noncustodial parent earns. The goal when crafting a child support order is to ensure that the child's needs are met. However, if parents in Arizona experience a job loss or other financial hardship, it's...