When married couples seek a legal separation, one spouse may petition a court for an interim order to receive support from the other spouse before the judge issues the final divorce decree. Then, during divorce proceedings, a court will enter a permanent order for...
Spousal Support
Can you break a prenuptial agreement in Arizona?
Prenuptial agreements are private contracts that some couples make prior to marriage. A postnuptial agreement is pretty much the same, only it is established after the marriage begins. The point of a prenup is simple: They aim to minimize potential conflicts that can...
Alimony: should you receive all payments now or spread them out?
As you embark on the path to divorce, you worry about how you will survive financially without your spouse's monetary support. At the same time, you realize that your marriage is over, and you have no choice but to break up. The good news is that you can seek support...
Are you eligible for spousal support? How much will you get?
One of the most important aspects of any divorce is what this step will mean for your financial future. As you know, the end of a marriage will signal significant changes, and it is in your interests to pursue a settlement that allows you to protect your stability...