For years now, there has been a strong correlation between the start of a new year and a sudden spike in divorce filings. Many family law attorneys see a massive uptick in consultations for people considering divorce in January every year. Although people can and do...
Do you have to give up your retirement in divorce?
If you are going through a divorce now, one of the things that might be on your mind is how you’re going to divide your retirement income. You may not want to divide your retirement at all, or you may be ready to split it in a way that is fair to you and your spouse....
Tips for protecting your kids if you share custody with an addict
Maybe your spouse already had a substance abuse problem when you got married, but you believed they would seek treatment or keep things under control. Perhaps they successfully hid their addiction from you until after you already had children together. Living with an...
A postnuptial agreement can save a marriage or simplify divorce
Almost everyone has a basic understanding of prenuptial agreements, but far fewer people know about postnuptial agreements. Both documents serve similar purposes, even if couples sign them at different points in their relationships. Marital agreements help establish...
It may help to tell the teacher about an upcoming divorce
If you and your spouse are getting divorced this year, you absolutely do not have to tell your child’s teacher. You can keep it to yourself. It’s no one’s business but your own. That being said, if you’re looking out for your child’s best interests, it can be wise to...
Three divorce mistakes to avoid
Divorce is bound to be difficult, but there are certain things people do to make it even worse than it needs to be. If you are going through divorce and want to spare yourself unnecessary grief, stress and expense, here are three divorce mistakes to avoid: Setting...
Consider switching custody of the dog along with the kids each week
Divorce will be hard on everyone in your family. Your children still want to be close with both parents. Each of you will want to be with the children as much as possible. When your family also has a four-legged member, like a dog, there can be even more to disagree...
How do you put a fair price on your house during a divorce?
Finding a fair way to split up your property is never easy during a divorce. In Arizona, community property laws will leave much of what you've acquired during your marriage vulnerable to division. Couples will need to either set their own property division terms or...
Can Arizona stepparents ask for parenting time in a divorce?
You don't need to have a biological connection to a child for your bond with them to be deep and meaningful. Stepparents can play an important role in the lives of children who have lost a parent and those whose parents are no longer in a relationship. You can be a...
How do narcissistic exes can make divorce more complicated?
Trying to work out everything when you end a marriage is challenging, especially if you have considerable assets. While most people want to make it as quick and easy as possible to get the divorce terms situated, there are some cases in which one party might try to...