When couples in Arizona decide that they want to get divorced, it is important for them to take proactive steps to make the process less painful. With careful planning, spouses might be able to reduce the financial and emotional costs that divorce can bring.
People who are thinking about filing for divorce should begin by carefully thinking about what they want, what they need and what they are willing to give up. They could even list everything in three columns on a sheet of paper with each category titled. In addition to thinking about their own goals, they should think about the items that their spouses will likely want, need and be willing to give up. This might help them when they are engaging in negotiations.
It’s also important to collect financial documents, including credit reports and account and debt statements before meeting with family lawyers. Unfortunately, it can be more difficult to gather these documents after filing. Throughout the process, spouses should view their divorces as a business transaction. When they divorce, they are terminating a legal contract. This may help them to view the divorce more logically and with less emotional conflict.
Property division in a high-asset divorce may be especially complex. People who are preparing to go through high-asset divorces may want to consult with family lawyers who are experienced in handling complex asset division issues. The attorneys may advise their clients about the potential financial impact of different types of property divisions and help them minimize tax and other negative financial consequences that they might face.