The summer is often a difficult time for single parents, because they have to go to work while still being able to make time to care for their children. This may require a new schedule at work or the help of a daycare or babysitter.
Many parents love the summer months because they see their children more, but those months can be tricky when it comes to work. Fortunately, when school is in session, at least a few hours of the day will be covered by the school providing care and education.
As the fall approaches, be ready to change your custody schedule
It’s possible that your custody schedule could largely stay the same during the school year, but it’s more likely that you’ll need to make some adjustments. Since your child is now older than last year, this is a good time to sit down with your ex and talk about your child’s age and maturity level. You should determine if someone has to be home with them every day after school or if you can let them stay home alone for a few hours until you get off work.
You may also want to discuss any new scheduling concerns around sports teams, choirs, bands or other extracurricular activities. Those activities might not have been part of your schedule during the last school year, so it’s a good idea to figure out who will be available to transport your child (if they can’t drive) and how you’ll make time to attend performances or games to support your child.
School custody scheduling can get a lot easier once your child is old enough to drive to events or school itself, but if your child isn’t old enough yet, you may need to look into other options. Checking school bus routes, carpool options and other transit ideas could help you get your child to and from school and events even when you’re still at work. Of course, if they’re young, you may need to adjust your work schedule so that you’re home when they are.
Scheduling custody time can be a little tough, but with patience and an open discussion, you will find solutions.