Parents in Arizona generally get to stay in contact with their children after a divorce. However, custodial parents who have concerns about their children's safety may feel uncomfortable about complying with a visitation order. Those concerns could range from how a...
Law Offices of Matthew S. Schultz, P.C.
Obtaining child support modifications because of a hardship
Generally, a child support payment is based on how much a noncustodial parent earns. The goal when crafting a child support order is to ensure that the child's needs are met. However, if parents in Arizona experience a job loss or other financial hardship, it's...
Divorce is more than just a legal matter
Getting a divorce may seem like a fairly straightforward process. In some regards, that is true. Divorce means two people dividing shared assets and property, and sometimes determining child custody arrangements. Those might be questions with very clear answers. The...
Productively raising children together after splitting up
Arizona parents who are not a couple but will be co-parenting their children might at first struggle with making it work smoothly, healthily and productively. However, there are many ways they can reflect and see if their co-parenting relationship is working well.One...
Dads often feel shortchanged in custody determinations
It's all but stereotypical to assume that a divorced father will be automatically awarded less than 50% of custody and forced to pay what he believes is an unreasonable child support payment. Yet many men feel exactly that way. However, many divorced Arizona women...
Legal rights of unmarried fathers
Many Arizona fathers may be concerned about their rights to their children, especially if they are not married to the mother and never were. In many cases, unmarried fathers remain in a committed partnership with the mother of the child; they simply choose not to...
Headed for a child custody hearing? Be prepared
An often-unfortunate aspect of divorce is that it can spark disagreements between parents regarding the best interests of their children. Like most good parents in Arizona and beyond, you want what's best for your kids and it's understandable that you are confident in...
Cooperation important in joint parenting plans
Going through a divorce in Arizona is one of the most stressful things that can happen in a person's life. It can be taxing physically, psychologically, emotionally and financially. In cases where there are children involved, the strain can be even worse. For parents...
Some spouses are not forthcoming about marital assets
Individuals going through a divorce in Arizona may be missing out on information that could impact the financial outcome of their divorce. It has long been the stereotype that it is the man who is interested in hiding financial assets away from his wife in a divorce....
Adding stepparents to the family
Co-parenting after a divorce is not always easy. This is especially true after one or both exes remarry. Arizona residents might appreciate tips for navigating divorce, children and new relationships.Figuring out where a new spouse fits into a family structure can be...